CSX's Peninsula Subdivision

Coal To The Tidewater

Current Owner: CSX Transportation (Via the C&O in 1987)

Previous Owner(s): The Chesapeake & Ohio Railway (1881 - 1987)

Constructed: Began in December of 1880 at both Richmond and Newport News. The two construction parties built towards each other finally meeting near Williamsburg, Virginia, on October 16th, 1881, completing the line. The line was built as a single track line but later double tracked in its entirety. Nowadays, most of the double track has been removed though there are still passing sidings at Providence Forge, Norge, and Lee Hall. 


Current Businesses:

CSX Peninsula Subdivision Photo Album

CSX C110

CSX ES44AH #911, "Spirit of our First Responders", trails second behind a regular ES44AH on coal train C110-07 as it passes through Williamsburg, Virginia, at 11:36 A.M. on Friday, September 9th, 2022. With 220 loaded hoppers, this double barrel train was nearing the end of its voyage after originating in CSX's Peach Creek Yard in Peach Creek, West Virginia. C110's are profiled as hauling coal loaded at Guyandotte Mining's Fanco Loadout however that loadout and the mine that supplies it have been idled since 2019 meaning this coal came from another local mine. The coal is destined for either Pier IX or Dominion Terminals in Newport News, Virginia, for export.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX C113

In one of the rarer instances on the Peninsula Subdivision, CSX #3194, "Honoring our Law Enforcement" leads eastbound loaded coal train C113-16 through Magruder, Virginia, just northwest of Williamsburg, at 1:27 P.M. on Wednesday, April 19th, 2023. #3194 was originally leading the C118-16 out of Peach Creek but was combined with the C113-16 at Hinton, West Virginia, to everyone's dismay. However, #3194 was kept as the leader which is not usually what happens. One might think that some railfan friendly tampering may have occurred allowing for #3194 to remain in the lead. #3194's paint scheme is cool, but what I really like about the engine is that it sports a killer RS5T horn. Knowing this, I made the trek to Magruder just to hear #3194's sweet RS5T and man did it not disappoint. 

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX C117

A crusty looking AC4400CW leads eastbound loaded coal train C117-25 past Lafayette Street in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 12:20 P.M. on Monday, October 2nd, 2023. A single barrel, 110 car, hopper train, this eastbound loaded at the Lynch No. 3 tipple just outside of Cumberland, Kentucky, on the old Louisville & Nashville CV Subdivision. After being worked by the R614 mine run, this train left Corbin, Kentucky, heading to Newport News via Russell, Hinton, Clifton Forge, and Richmond. Lynch has been the main loadout Corbin originating trains have been loading at recently but we will see if that stays consistent.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX #1776, Spirit of our Armed Forces" trails 2nd behind an ES40DC on loaded coal train C117-25 as it passes through the Williamsburg Coal Yard in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 11:49 A.M. on Monday, August 28th, 2023. This 460 axle hopper train loaded at the Lynch No. 3 mining complex near Cumberland, KY, on the old Louisville & Nashville Poor Fork Branch of the Cumberland Valley, or CV, subdivision. Newport News gets trains from Lynch No. 3, Creech, Wen Lar, among others which all run out of Corbin, Kentucky. Not a bad first train of my sophomore year here at the College of William & Mary, just wish the weather was a bit less foggy. It is also interesting to add that #1776 wasn't originally in the consist and was surprisingly added at Covington, Virginia, after hauling utility coal train C153 to the WestRock Paper Mill also in Covington. That train had coincidently loaded at the Resource loadout on the C&M Branch also on the Ex Louisville & Nashville CV Subdivision out of Corbin. Another tidbit of info is that at Hinton, West Virginia, utility coal train C375-25 was added to the consist. This train was made up of hoppers for the generating station at Middleton, South Carolina, via Charleston, South Carolina. This segment was removed at Fulton Yard in Richmond and resymboled the C375-26 for the trip south via the Northend Subdivision.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

ES44AH #768 leads loaded coal and coke combo train C117-26 through the MP 37.17, known as Henry Street Crossing, in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 2:28 P.M. on January 29th, 2023. This train was combined with loaded coke train B410-26 at Russell, Kentucky, a day earlier. Both C117 and B410 are destined for Pier IX Terminals in Newport News leading to their combination in Russell. The second half of this train, out of frame, is made up of the B410 and originally originated at the BP Products PetCoke works in Whiting, Indiana. The C117, the first half, originated at Corbin, Kentucky, with coal coming from a mine on the former L&N CV Subdivision.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX C128

SD70MAC rebuild #4552 is on the point of eastbound loaded coal train C128-27 as it approaches Henry Street crossing in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 1:59 P.M. on Wednesday, August 30th, 2023. Running with 220 loaded hoppers from the Marfork loadout outside of Whitesville, West Virginia, this doubled up hopper train ran the entire route from Elk Run Junction, West Virginia, to Newport News, Virginia, with all 220 cars instead of running as a single barrel out of Elk Run and being combined with another train at Hinton. Other coal yards like Danville and Peach Creek have been doing this recently for whatever reason. I had about 30 seconds to get my camera out of my backpack as I had to rush to the tracks after class. The train was through Norge by the time I was leaving my dorm and I wasn't sure I could make it. I decided to try anyway due to #4552 leading and the fact that I had never seen a C128 before. 

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX C133

A pair of GE's in "Elephant Style", when all engines on the headend are pointed forward, haul 220 car loaded coal train C133-16 through Henry Street Crossing in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 1:40 P.M. on Sunday, February 19th, 2023. Originating at Peach Creek Yard near Logan, West Virginia, this train was loaded at one of the various coal mines stemming out of the yard. C133's commonly load at a loadout called Feats located to the west of Peach Creek Yard but not always. 

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX C135

CSX CM44AC #7038 leads eastbound doubled up loaded coal train C135-26 parallel to Lafayette Street in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 12:11 A.M. on January 30th, 2025. With 218 loads totally 30,450 tons, today's C135 is made up of Wells Prep Plant loads followed by a cut of loads from Lick loadout. Both facilities are owned by Rockwell Mining which itself is a subsidiary of Blackhawk Mining. Running as the R228-28 out of Danville, West Virginia, to Hinton, West Virginia, the train was resymboled to its current symbol C135-26 at Hinton.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX C206

SD70MACe #4562 leads eastbound coal train C206-06 through Williamsburg Station, Virginia, at 12:27 P.M. on Sunday, April 9th, 2023. Fitting to see a rebuilt and reactivated SD70MACe on Easter Sunday as like Jesus, this venerable EMD has risen from the dead. Once buried in the Huntington storage tracks and considered for scrap, to now hauling 452 axle coal trains across Virginia. Just imagine, Jesus himself at the controls of this reborn SD70MACe... Anyway, happy Easter to those who celebrate it.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

Engineer Al Snyder is at the controls of eastbound loaded coal train C206-09 as it approaches Williamsburg Station, Virginia, at 2:37 P.M. on Friday, February 10th, 2023. The first half of this train loaded in Pax, West Virginia, on the R. J. Corman Railroad Loup Creek Branch and was interchanged with CSX at Thurmond, West Virginia. I say the first half because this train, like most others on this line, is a combination of two separate 110 car coal trains. on paper, this 220 car train originated in Hinton, West Virginia, when another train was "doubled", or added, to the front or rear.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

Low number board AC4400CW #581 leads CSX C206-06 through Williamsburg Station, Virginia, at 12:58 P.M. on Wednesday, February 8th, 2023. One of the longer coal trains I've seen on the Peninsula, this doubled up train had four locomotives, two in the front and two in the middle, and 239 loaded hoppers. The longest coal train I've ever seen on this line was a 250 car empty man headed to Indiana.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

As the sun begins to set, a part of CSX GE's pull coal train C206-26 past Williamsburg Station, Virginia, at 5:02 P.M. on Friday, January 27th, 2023. At one point, the Peninsula sub was double tracked all the way from Fulton Yard in Richmond to Newport News. The bare land to the right of the train is where the second main used to be located. There are still a number of passing sidings along the route, the largest of which are at Providence Forge, Lee Hall, Oriana, Toano, and Beulah. 

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX C207

CSX SD70AH-T4 #8904 is seen on the point of eastbound loaded coal train C207-12 as it crosses Airport Road in Magruder, Virginia, at 8:50 A.M. on Monday, May 15th, 2023. At the time of this photo, I was not aware that CSX's Tier 4's were running on borrowed time. #8904 ended up being the last Tier 4 I ever caught as the group were all sold to Precision Leasing and are now in Mexico. Other than #8904, this Peach Creek double barrel train wasn't that special. Like most C207's, half of this train loaded at Hutchinson with the other half loaded at another various Peach Creek area mine. The second half could have also been added at Hinton.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX C209

Lone SD70MAC rebuild #4552 leads eastbound loaded coal train C209-01 past the Williamsburg Coal Yard in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 2:08 P.M. on Sunday, September 3rd, 2023. Other than the EMD leader, there isn't anything special about this doubled up 202 hopper train. Still I try and see everything I can as you never know when the originating mine, McClure in the case of C209, could churn out its last bit of coal.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

An ES44AH and ES40DC head eastbound loaded coal train C209-26 as it prepares to pass through Henry Street Crossing in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 1:15 P.M. on Friday, April 28th, 2023. Two locomotives on the headend and one in the middle make up the power on this 193 loaded hopper train which loaded at Alpha Metallurgical's McClure loadout on the former Clinchfield Railroad. McClure is one of the last loadouts on the former coal dominated Clinchfield Railroad.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

The rising sun casts shadows across eastbound loaded coal train C209-22 as it approaches Henry Street Crossing in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 7:55 A.M. on Wednesday, April 26th, 2023. Coming from the McClure Loadout, one of the "Big 4" coal loadouts that send trains consistently to the piers at Newport News, this C209-22 is running with 200 loaded hoppers and the usual two locomotives on the headend as well as a pair of mid train DPU's. The other coal loadouts that make up the  "Big 4" are Hopkins, Hutchinson, and Marfork; C206, C207, and C208, respectively. 

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX C210

In a rather uncommon move, four locomotives are on the headend of eastbound loaded coal train C210-29 as it clears the old Williamsburg Coal Yard in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 4:51 P.M. on Thursday, August 31st, 2023. The 3rd and 4th engines on the headend were added at Fulton for whatever reason. Running from Danville, West Virginia, the first 110 cars loaded at Wells Prep Plant with the 2nd 110 loaded at Lick. It's interesting that this train ran as a C210 as that symbol is usually saved for Mountain Laurel originating trains. 

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX C215

A polka dotted ES44AH and another GEVO lead Toms Fork coal train C215-17 through Williamsburg Station, Virginia, at 9:32 A.M. on Sunday, February 19th, 2023. With 243 loaded hoppers, this coal train is the largest I've seen since I've been at William & Mary. I would not be surprised if by the time I'm graduating, CSX is running loaded coal trains in excess of 1,000 axles. The only factor that could prevent that is if the government stepped in and put a national limit on train length.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX C673

CSX ES44AH #3235 and two trailing BNSF units lead eastbound single barrel coal train C673-30 by the Williamsburg Station in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 1:10 P.M. on February 2nd, 2025. Originating in New Castle, Pennsylvania, this train loaded at Rosebud Mining Company's Lady Jane facility in Penfield, Pennsylvania, off of Genesee & Wyoming's Buffalo & Pittsburgh Railroad. The Lady Jane complex almost exclusively loads domestic coal trains so seeing an export was certainly a surprise. This 99 car shipment is headed to Pier IX in Newport News, Virginia.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX C744

An ES44AH, YN2 AC4400CW, and an SD70MACe lead eastbound loaded coal train C744-22 through Williamsburg Station, Virginia, at 2:03 P.M. on Sunday, February 26th, 2023. This train has had quite the journey leading up to this point traversing the Thomas Subdivision, Mountain Subdivision, Cumberland Subdivision, Metropolitan Subdivision, RF&P Subdivision, and finally the Peninsula Subdivision. About half of the Cumberland running coal trains run as single trains, this C744 being one of them. The most common Cumberland coals to be doubled seem to be the C750 and C743. Most Rockwood and Mettiki trains run as singles.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX C750

Three CSX locomotives lead eastbound loaded coal train C750-28 parallel to Lafayette Street in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 11:52 A.M. on January 30th, 2025. This 100 car hopper train loaded at Arch Coal's Leer Mining Complex located just east of Grafton, West Virginia. Destined for Dominion Terminal in Newport News, this train made good time and passed me going about 40 MPH. 

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX C754

A pair of GEVO's lead eastbound CSX coal train C754-10 under the Page Street overpass in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 9:18 A.M. on Monday, February 13th, 2023. Another uncommon single barrel coal train, this Grafton originating hopper man had only 100 coal cars for Dominion Terminal in Newport News. The bridge in the distance is the Capitol Landing Road Overpass and is the only factor preventing CSX from experimenting with double stack intermodal traffic to Newport News. In fact, during Chesapeake & Ohio days, there was a major derailment at this very spot that took out both bridges. Instead of rebuilding both bridges to a height in which double stacks could clear, the C&O unwisely rebuilt the bridges exactly as they were prior to the derailment. Page Street overpass can clear double stacks but Captiol Landing Road Overpass cannot.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX C755

CSX SD70MACe #4587 trails on eastbound loaded coal train C755-26 as it passes through Williamsburg, Virginia, at 6:29 P.M. on Saturday, April 29th, 2023. I originally planned to shoot this 110 car Fork Creek train at Henry Street but due to some clouds deciding to dissipate, I made a last second decision to catch him west of the Williamsburg Amtrak Station. Thankfully, I had just enough shade to get a good photo with limited lens flare. In all the time I've been railfanning the Peninsula Sub, I've only heard of C755 running twice. 

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph* 

CSX E103

As the sun begins to rise, four General Electric six axle locomotives haul empty coal train E103-25 through Henry Street Crossing in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 8:11 A.M. on Wednesday, April 26th, 2023. The crew for this 912 axle empty man went on duty at 4:00 A.M. finally leaving Newport News Yard at 6:52 A.M. Destined for Danville, West Virginia, on CSX's Coal River Subdivision, the power for this train arrived in News on a C210-22; coincidentally hauling loads from Mountain Laurel which runs out of Danville.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX E126

CSX westbound empty coal train E126-10 grinds through the curve at Franklin Curve in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 8:14 A.M on November 12th, 2023. With 900 axles, 4 locomotives and 219 empty hoppers, this empty man is destined for Russell, Kentucky, where it will be resymboled and sent to one of CSX's coal yards. This specific train went to Corbin, Kentucky, to load at the Lynch No. 3 loadout in Cumberland, Kentucky, and the Balkan loadout south of Tejay, Kentucky. The Balkan half loaded as C232-15 while the Lynch No. 3 half loaded as the C117-15.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX E205

Four CSX GEVO's haul westbound empty coal train E205-18 past Williamsburg Station, Virginia, at 2:25 P.M. on Sunday February 19th, 2023. This 190 car empty hopper train is heading from Newport News, Virginia, to CSX's Peach Creek Yard in West Virginia. Most empty coal trains for southern West Virginia run with four locomotives out of Newport News. Empty trains with more than four are usually destined for Grafton, West Virginia, via Cumberland, or Indiana.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX E207

A quartet of CSX GEVO's pull empty coal train E207-24 westbound past Henry Street crossing in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 5:03 P.M. on Tuesday, April 25th, 2023. If not for Amtrak's afternoon northbound P186, I would not have been able to catch this 220 car empty hopper man as P186 forced the E207 into the siding at Lee Hall. This E207 will run to CSX's Peach Creek Yard near Logan, West Virginia, via Richmond, Doswell, Charlottesville, Staunton, Clifton Forge, Hinton, Handley, St. Albans, and finally Barboursville where he will enter the Logan Subdivision onward to Peach Creek.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX E208

An ES44AH and three other locomotives lead westbound empty coal train E208-26 through the MP 37.17, also known as Henry Street Crossing, in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 6:20 P.M. on Friday, April 28th, 2023. This 221 empty hopper train is heading towards Elk Run Junction, West Virginia, on CSX's Coal River Subdivision to be loaded at the Marfork Loadout. There were numerous thunderstorms around Williamsburg that day and I was able to catch this guy moments before another downpour commenced. I prefer shooting in cloudy weather so I don't have to worry about the pesky sun even if that means getting rained on.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX E209

Four locomotives, led by ES44AH #3051, haul westbound empty coal train E209-01 past the Williamsburg Coal Yard in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 11:13 A.M. on Friday, September 1st, 2023. Profiled to terminate at Russell, Kentucky, this 200 car hopper train is truly destined for the McClure loadout near Nora, Virginia, on the old Clinchfield Railroad. Once arrived in Russell, this train would become the E903-02 for Shelby, Kentucky. After loading at McClure under one of the many mine run symbols, this train became the C209-11 continuing the cycle once again of loads east, empties west. As an added piece of info, these McClure trains usually run with three locomotives causing one of the engines in this consist to be dropped at Fulton Yard. 

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX ET44AH #3463 with two different numberboards is on the point of westbound empty coal train E209-28 as it approaches Henry Street Crossing in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 6:44 P.M. on April 29th, 2023. An unusually large E209, with 938 axles, this train was destined for Russell, Kentucky before being resymboled E903-30 for the final leg of the journal to Shelby, Kentucky. Like all E209's this train is ultimately going to be loaded at the McClure loadout near Nora, Virginia, on the former Clinchfield Railroad.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX E219

An SD70MACe is sandwiched between three GEVOs on westbound empty coal train E219-25 as it approaches Henry Street Crossing in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 1:36 P.M. on Sunday, February 26th, 2023. This E219 fittingly had 219 empty hoppers destined for Peach Creek Yard in Logan, West Virginia. 

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX E740

Three locomotives haul empty coal train E740-28 past the former Williamsburg, Virginia, coal yard at 3:14 P.M. on Monday, January 29th, 2024. With 818 axles, 3 locomotives, and 200 empty hoppers, this train is enroute to Grafton, West Virginia, via Richmond, Washington D.C., Brunswick, Cumberland, and Keyser. At Keyser, West Virginia, this train would split with half becoming E724-29. The E724 half of this train was waybilled to load at the Leer loadout just east of Grafton while the other half was planned to load at Sentinel, also known as Leer South, near Philippi, West Virginia, on the Appalachian & Ohio Railroad. Once loaded, both cuts will be shipped to Curtis Bay in Baltimore, Maryland, for export.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX E895

Five locomotives are on the point of westbound empty coal train E895-13 as it approaches Airport Road Crossing in Magruder, Virginia, at 9:15 A.M. on May 15th, 2023. With 990 axles, 5 locomotives and 240 empty hoppers, this empty man is heading to Princeton, Indiana, to be loaded at the Gibcoal loadout for the trip back east. Not all 240 cars are for Gibcoal though, approximately half were split at Russell, Kentucky, and sent to Corbin, Kentucky, as the E979-15. Note the track in the foreground, this spur once served a brick manufacturer.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

Three different paint schemes make up the lashup of empty coal train E895-25 as it approaches Henry Street Crossing in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 3:07 P.M. on Wednesday, April 26th, 2023. Prior to departure from Newport News at 2:10 P.M., this 240 car empty hopper train got a lot of publicity due to word that #3194 "Honoring our Law Enforcement" would be leading. If this had been any other train, #3194 would have indeed lead but E895 is notorious for being the largest empty coal train to run out of News requiring the addition of a fifth locomotive. Regardless of #902 spoiling #3194 leading, this Princeton, Indiana, bound train still had quite the lashup with #3194, YN2 AC4400CW #162, and SD70MACe #4529. As a personal note, E895 is one train that has alluded me for quite some time. Twice I've been prepared to shoot him but twice I've been foiled due to unlucky or unfortunate circumstances. Third time's the charm for me it seems.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX B407

Five CSX locomotives are on the headend of empty coal and coke combo train B407-12 as it clears the former Williamsburg, Virginia, coal yards at 4:48 P.M. on Sunday, May 14th, 2023. This Mother's Day Special ran out of Newport News Yard with 926 axles, half the train being empty export bethgons and the other half being rapid discharge coke hoppers. The train was split at Handley, West Virginia, with the bethgon half being resymboled as the E142-14 for Peach Creek Yard. The empty coke half would continue to Suncoke in Gibson, Indiana, as the B407-12. 

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX B410

A pair of CSX AC4400CW's leads eastbound loaded coke train B410-02 past the former Williamsburg, Virginia, coal yard at 4:35 P.M. on Sunday, March 5th, 2023. A rare single barrel train, this B410 had 492 axles all the way from Gibson, Indiana, to Newport News. Although the shadows make it hard to see, the second AC4400CW is still dressed up in YN2 paint. 

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX L215

In a once in a blue moon move, CSX L215-27 is seen approaching Henry Street Crossing in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 4:21 P.M. on Friday, January 27th, 2023. L215 usually works industries east, but was told by the Florence dispatcher this day to deadhead to Fulton Yard. The reason for this move is still unknown to me. GP40-2 #6137 was originally Baltimore & Ohio #4238 and was built about fifty years ago in June of 1975. It's amazing that there are locomotives built fifty plus years ago that are still plying the rails for class 1's in 2023.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX L217

CSX SD40-2 #8315, originally Louisville & Nashville SD40 #1239, is on the point of westbound local L217-14 as it rushes past the former Williamsburg, Virginia, coal yards at 7:13 A.M. on Monday, May 15th, 2023. Today's L217 had a solid consist of seven sand hoppers to be placed at Owens Brockway Glass Container in Toano, Virginia, just north of Williamsburg. Note the second locomotive, C40-9W #9014, still in YN2. Two rare birds still doing what they were built to do. 

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX S210

One of ten CSX SD70ACe-T4's is seen on the point of eastbound empty military flatcar move S210-09 as it rushes past the former Williamsburg, Virginia, coal yards at 11:32 A.M. on Monday, February 13th, 2023. An uncommon train with an even rarer leader, this S210-09 originated out of Charleston, South Carolina, a few days prior and is destined for Ft. Eustis in Lee Hall, Virginia. With 174 axles, this unit flatcar train would eventually be loaded at Ft. Eustis and then head back west as the S551-28 for Chicago, Illinois, and then ultimately the west coast. Unfortunately for those unable to catch this train, #8907 would head back west on a midnight empty hopper train and not return back to the Peninsula.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX S551

A CSX CW44AH and AC4400CW lead westbound loaded military train S551-28 past the Williamsburg, Virginia, coal yards at 4:32 P.M. on Wednesday, March 1st, 2023. This 228 axle military move, mainly consisting of Humvees and dredges, is heading towards Chicago, Illinois, to be interchanged with another railroad onward to the west coast. The flatcars, now loaded, came in on the S210-09 about a month ago although the SD70ACe-T4 that was leading that train was not kept around for the return trip.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX S994

CSX ES44AH #3436 leads empty "glowstick" train S994-12 westbound passed the former Williamsburg, Virginia, coal yard at 3:47 P.M. on Friday, May 12th, 2023. Heading to Rose Lake, Illinois for interchange with Union Pacific, this empty nuclear casket train's final destination is the isolated and highly secure Clive, Utah, nuclear waste landfill in the middle of the Utah salt flats just west of Salt Lake City. Consisting of the two locomotives, three empty nuclear uranium rod caskets, and armored Department of Defense caboose #905, this S994-12 had 76 axles leaving the yard at Newport News, Virginia. It is reported that these three spent nuclear caskets were from the U.S.S Enterprise, also known as CVN-80, that is currently being dismantled at the Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Company's Newport News facility.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

CSX U217

A pair of CSX General Electric products lead eastbound Peninsula road local U217-30 across the Colonial National Historic Parkway brick overpass adjacent to Lafayette Street in Williamsburg, Virginia, at 12:39 P.M. on January 31st, 2025. This 33 car train is hauling a mixture of commodities including silica sand, paperboard, and various products used in the brewing process. After receiving a crew at 6:00 A.M., this "extra" L217 departed Acca Yard at 9:28 A.M. for Newport News. I use quotations with "extra" because L217 and U217 are used interchangeably nowadays.  After passing me at Lafayette Street, the train stopped at Grove Siding just west of Lee Hall to drop off loads for L215 to take to the Busch Brewery. At 4:05 P.M. the train finally arrived at Newport News.

*Nick A. Jobe Photograph*

Copyright Nick A. Jobe - All Rights Reserved 2018-2025